Here are my cards.....

Darcy and Logan napping after brunch

Braden loves musical cards.....
It was a lot of work to get this picture
We had a great Mother's Day. When the kids got up - actually when I got up, (I got to sleep until 8:30am) we had waffles. Later in the morning we went to GiGi's house for brunch. Aunt Darcy and Uncle Matt cooked for all of us. It was wonderful - but the day didn't end there. I took the kids home for a much needed nap - and prepared for our next Mother's Day outing. We took dessert over to MiMi's house (she had to work 12 hours - so dinner would have been too late) We indulged on frosted brownies, vanilla ice cream and hot fudge.
Thanks for a wondeful day! Happy Mother's Day to all the great "mommies" in our life. We love you.