Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Daddy's Birthday Again

We celebrated Daddy's birthday again - by having dinner at MiMi's house. We had the classic summer meal - hamburgers, hotdogs, potato salad, etc. She made Daddy a Banana Cream Pie for dessert. I must say that it was not Mommy's favorite dessert - as most of you know she prefers chocolate over anything else. (Peeps are up there on the list as well)
We also took our first "family photo." It didn't turn out half bad - considering it was past my (Braden's) bed time and I was less than pleased to have his picture taken. Logan on the other hand didn't seem to mind one bit.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Double the Trouble

The weather was nice today - so I decided to take the boys for a walk. Besides, I wanted to try out the double stroller. I really liked this stroller in the store - and was looking forward to using it. What I didn't calculate in my head was just how much weight I would be adding to the already thrity pound stroller. Let's see - Braden weighs about 27 lbs, then there is an infant seat (and infant) to add in as well. It was almost painful for me to push around our development. I guess Daddy will have to start walking with us.......

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Darren's Birthday

Boy - it's true what they say about the second child..... for every fifty pictures I took of Braden - I may have five of Logan. And what is worse - This is the only picture I have from Daddy's Birthday Party. It was simple really - I made tacos for dinner and we had this cake for dessert. Braden and I (really just me) sang Happy Birthday, while Logan slept. After that - we all went to bed.

We will be celebrating Darren's birthday with his family on Sunday night. More photos to follow. (hopefully)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

"Big Boy" Chair

Recently Braden has showed interest in sitting on furniture like a "Big Boy." Daddy found this chair when we were out shopping one day. (It happens to match our new sectional perfectly) Braden is really enjoying his new seat.

Only one of us is getting sleep.......

You guessed it.....Logan seems to be the only one sleeping these days. Braden is teething and has two molars coming in - because of this he is not sleeping very well. One of us seems to always be up at night. If it's not Darren tending to Braden - I am up changing diapers and feeding Logan.

Despite Braden's new teeth - he seems to be adjusting well to the "Big Brother" role. He likes to give Logan hugs and will pat him on the head when he is crying or upset.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

And... Logan makes four

Logan Gene was born on Thursday, April 10th at 8:22am via c-section. He weighed 8lbs 10 oz and was 21 1/2 inches long. Logan was unexpectedly put in the Nicu for his four day stay due to some fluid he inhaled at the time of his birth. Initially this was cause for concern - but we quickly learned that he would be okay. Being in the Nicu made it difficult to spend time with him in the beginning.

Mommy got to go home a day early and spend one last night with Braden before Logan's homecoming on Sunday.
Daddy and Mommy came home with Logan in the afternoon and Braden immediately took to him. He even gave Logan a hug (as you can see from the photo above) Daddy and Mommy are thrilled that Braden is enjoying him as much as they are.

More photos to follow.